+1 button, Google +1, SEO, SEO Services, SMO

What is Google’s +1 and it’s Importance

Google noticed the release of the latest addition to the search engine On March 30th, a small button called +1. As with all Google announcement is always going to be the consequences, for good and not so big that the average blogger and professional. Identify with the prospective impact of a new feature of Google can help you better prepare for the next few months of your blog.

What is Google’s +1?

Basically, Google is a way for people to vote until the results at Google, not to appear as a relationship Digg.

If someone wants it, so they can be found on Google, they hit a button +1, then on with life. When someone does the same search on that person has done, he sees that there is an attachment to the public domain, and that at least in the eyes of Google, to encourage them to click on that income.

If you decide to allow your name to appear, the people in your network can see that you particularly liked this result. But this last feature is optional.

Importance of Google’s +1

Now, Google has talked about how social media and social networking is to tie directly into the search engine optimization. It used to be that we just built a set of links to a list of keywords. But what I noticed is that SEO as other aspects are still important, like how the site deals with social media.

We can link this increased reliance on social media in the Google search to get the most favorable results.

Now it is Google and you try to guess the position that the first results for the keyword Professional Blogger. Of course, someone might have a lot of backlinks, all containing the anchor text, to save the request that they deserve the number one result.

But how does Google know that backlinks are genuine or not?

The only way for them to know if this site is considered an “authority” is to see what people think. And what better way to keep track of how Darren is doing in the media and social networking world?


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